“Eurosaf Match Racing Youth Open European Championship” has started yesterday, hosted by Associazione Vela Lago di Ledro.

Welcomed by the local public, the athletes have made their entry in Müllheim square preceded by the young sailors of the club. After the entrance of the Italian flag and the one of the Eurosaf, Eurosaf’s Vice President Oleg Ilyin declared open the European Championship, followed by speeches by local authorities and the athlete and judge’s oaths, both have sworn to abide by the rules and adopt a proper sporting conduct.
In testa alla classifica c’è il team danese capitanato da Joachim Aschenbrenner seguito dallo svedese Victor Abenius completa il podio temporaneo l’australiano Will Boulden. Quarto è il team italiano con al timone Ettore Botticini, seguono i due teams francesi capitanati da Victor Migraine e Charles Capon. Settimi sono gli italiani capitanati da Rocco Attili, seguiti dagli inglesi di Thomas Williams, concludono la classifica gli svizzeri di Mathieu Cadei e i portoghesi di Pedro Brito. Today, good conditions have allowed the ten teams to compete until late afternoon thus concluding the round robin. Leading the scoring is the Danish team led by Joachim Aschenbrenner followed by Swedish Victor  Abenius and Australian Will Boulden. Fourth is the Italian team of Ettore Botticini, following the two French teams led by Victor Migraine and Charles Capon. Sevenths are Italians led by Rocco Attili, followed by the British Thomas Williams, last positions for Swiss Mathieu Cadei and the Portuguese Pedro Brito.

The appomtment is  for tomorrow at the Club at 9.00.


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